Saturday, November 7, 2009

Let's Try Something Different...

Today, while I was surfing around and getting inspired by other's work, I thought to myself, " Self, I would  totally trade artwork with this guy/girl if they asked."

Then I figured, why not ask?  Maybe someone wants to trade, too.  So, here I am asking... who wants to trade?

I will post a pic of a sketch, drawing, photo or painting and will trade art with anyone that will hit me up with a pic of any artwork they are willing to trade.  I am down with it being any kind of handmade item, too.

 No silly offers just an honest-to-goodness exchange of art.  Mine for yours. Watch here for my first offering, soon.

I want to inspire and want others to inspire me.   If this sound's good to you, then Let's Trade Even.